Wrapping Up
The end of an event provides an opportunity for reflecting on successes, failures and lessons learned. It is tempting during the final day to wrap things up quickly so that everyone can return to their other work or to travel home. But doing so misses out on opportunities for distilling key lessons from the week and setting a path for further integration of the practices and knowledge gained from the event.
Event Survey
We guide participants into reflections on our events by inviting them to complete a survey, which is an important data gathering tool that can be used to inform the hosting of future events. It is of utmost importance that the survey results be kept confidential, in accordance with the IRB requirements described earlier.
Final Presentations
Final presentations are an opportunity for everyone to share what was accomplished within each team to the entire group. The duration of the presentations are fixed, but the format is flexible to allow groups to design a presentation that fits their particular work. We find that most groups distribute the speaking opportunities to most if not every member of the team, with one person providing an overall summary and integration of the work presented.