Satellite Image Analysis Reference Guide
Satellite imagery is new to me, where can I start learning about it? newcomers earth observation-guide
I’d like information about a particular satellite mission!
I’d like to search for and download free satellite imagery for an area of interest!
I’d like to access high-resolution, high-temporal sampling proprietary imagery!
I’d like to work with satellite imagery on commercial cloud computing infrastructure!
I’m a student looking for scholarships for data access
- USGIF Scholarships for grad students, several should be for data access
I would like some metadata:
Geospatial Spatial Processing
- Earth Data Science
- Python GIS Course
- Geohackweek Raster Tutorial
- Carpentries Python for Athmosphere and Ocean Scientists
Graphical GIS programs
Command line programs
Python Tools
Preprocessing Tools:
- Cloud removal?
Simple unsupervised cloud removal from RGB images: Cloud Removal Notebook
Large scale image manipulation, cloud computing
Example Notebooks
Visualization & Mapping
Python Tools
Example Notebooks
Image Processing
Example Notebooks
Machine Learning
Premiliminary Questions:
- What is the machine learning problem?
- What are the inputs and outputs of the system?
- What is the format of your labels? Points, regions/masks, labels associated with images?
- Do you plan to treat pixels as individual observations, or images as individual observations?
Learning about different computer vision tasks:
Geohackweek Machine Learning Tutorial
List of Deep Learning Resources for Satellite Imagery
Models Pretrained on Satellite Imagery:
Semantic Segmentation: