The existing literature indicates that neural networks have the greatest performance for text classification but they also don’t allow for the extraction of features since the features in such a model are hidden. Adding hand-crafted features add a greater amount of transparency about the features which have helped the model differentiate in the text classification task. Additionally, layering hand-crafted features on top of a neural network model in this way has been identified as a potential way to increase performance and an area of investigation by current neural network research on this topic.
This model aims to leverage the addition of hand-crafted lexical and semantic features to our baseline model. The following lexical and semantic features are included:
Number of sentences in the article (‘sent_count’)
Number of stopwords to total words ratio (‘ratio_stops_tokens’)
Number of words with first letter capitalized
Number of words with all letters capitalized
Parts of Speech: Adposition (in, to), adverb (very, down), auxiliary , conjunction, coordinating conjunction, determiner, interjection, noun, numeral, particle, pronoun, proper noun, punctuation, subordinating conjunction, symbol, verb, space, other (‘sdfdsf’)
Here’s what the metadata input looks like:
train_meta_data = df['PROPN','ADP','NOUN','PUNCT','SYM',
This model combines two different inputs. First, similar to the other two models, the article text was converted to word embeddings in the first layer. Next, the hand-crafted lexical and semantic features are also brought into the model as inputs in their own layer.
nlp_input=Input(shape=[None]) # Input layer for text
meta_input=Input(shape=(22,)) # Input layer for 22 linguistic feature columns
nlp_embeddings=Embedding(params.vocab_size, params.embedding_dim)(nlp_input)
nlp_LSTM=LSTM(params.bidir_num_filters)(nlp_embeddings) # text embeddings LSTM
x = Concatenate()([nlp_LSTM, meta_input]) # Merge text LSTM with linguistic features
x = Dense(dense_1_filters, activation="relu")(x)
x = Dropout(rate=dropout_rate)(x)
x = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x) # Output layer
model=Model(inputs=[nlp_input, meta_input], outputs=[x])
Input layers: The first two layers of this model simply import the two input datasets.
Embedding layer: Next, the article text data is fed through an embedding layer which generates the word embeddings.