Cloud 101 For Data Science

Storing data in the cloud


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • What are the three primary ways of talking to the cloud?

  • What are the main activities supported by cloud consoles?

  • Learn how to spin up an instance, install the AWS CLI and create an s3 bucket


To follow the steps below, you will need a terminal program, such as iTerm/Terminal on the Mac or Windows bash or Putty on Windows.

Logging in to the AWS Console & Creating an EC2 instance

Log in to the Use the IAM Username and Password that was provided to you Account ID/Alias: uwescience

Once you are logged on the the console, on the right top hand corner next to your IAM username you will see a region. Please make sure that US-East(Ohio) is selected from the drop down menu. We will be solely using the Ohio region for this tutorial cloud work.

Under Build a Solution, select Launch A Virtual Machine

Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Select Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

Step 2: Choose an Instance Type

Select ‘t2.micro’, click Next: Configure Instance Details

Step 3: Configure Instance Details

The only thing you will need to change is the IAM role. Select esips3fullaccess from the Drop Down List. IAM roles allow AWS resources to communicate with one another without the use of access keys. Click Next: Add Storage

Step 4: Add Storage

Change the Size to 25GiB. Click Next: Add Tags

Step 5: Add Tags

Key - Name, Value - esip-esipuser Key - Owner, Value - esip-esipuser

Please append esip to your IAM username for all AWS resources you provision. This helps us keep track of the resources.

Step 6: Configure Security Group

Select the Select an existing security group button Check the esip-SG button and click Review and Launch

Step 7: Review Instance Launch

Click Launch

The Select an existing key pair or Create a new key pair window will pop up.

From the drop down menu, select Create a new key pair. The key pair name will be esip-IAMusername

Make sure to Download Key Pair. Note where the Key Pair is saved (for Mac/Linux, it is usually automatically saved to your Downloads folder).

If you want to use the hub for the next few steps, upload the key file into the hub using the upload button.

Once you have saved the Key Pair (e.g. esip-testuser1.pem), click Launch Instances.

You will see the Launch Status screen. Click on ID number associated with your instance.

You will be taken to the EC2 dashboard. Look for the IPv4 Public IP. You will need this IP to ssh into your instance.

Storage on the cloud: S3

In S3, we can create “buckets” with data. These are like folders on a computer, except they’re not really on any computer that we can access, so we’ll have to download them onto some other computers to do any computations with the data.

One of the main things to remember about S3 is that storing data on S3 is not very expensive ($0.02/GB/month) but you can end up paying quite a bit if you move the data out of the AWS data-center in which your data is stored. One way to avoid that is to do all your compute in that data-center. That is, bring your compute to where the data is.

That means that you will want to keep an eye on the “region” in which the data is stored (in our case Ohio) and only download the data to machines that are in that region.

Logging on to the EC2 instance, installing the AWS CLI and creating s3 buckets

To figure out how to connect to your machine, highlight it in the console, and then click on “connect”

This will show you the instructions for how to connect, including the unique IP address of your machine.

Use your terminal of choice (iTerm or Terminal on Mac and Linux and Windows Bash) and locate the Key Pair file you downloaded. Change the permission of the file using:

chmod 400 esipuser.pem

*Note that your key file might be a text file instead of a regular .pem file

‘Log on to your instance with ssh:

ssh -i "esipuser1.pem"

Once logged on, update and upgrade packages and install the awscli:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install awscli

To list bucket contents (this will list ALL the s3 buckets in the account):

aws s3 ls

To create a new bucket (please use esip-IAMusername)

aws s3 mb s3://esip-esipuser

You should now be able to see your bucket when you list the bucket contents again.

S3 manipulation

To copy files from one s3 bucket to another:

aws s3 cp s3://neurohack-amandatan s3://neurohack-yourbucket --recursive

List contents of your bucket:

aws s3 ls s3://neurohack-yourbucket

You should now see 4 files.

2018-07-31 18:32:01        770 HARDI150.bval
2018-07-31 18:32:00       3889 HARDI150.bvec
2018-07-31 18:32:01   91378947 HARDI150.nii.gz
2018-07-31 18:32:51    1153166 t1.nii.gz

Next we are going to install some packages and work with this data.

Key Points