
Our Team

Felix Junior Appiah Kubi, Fellow

Click for bio Felix is a dedicated scholar and data scientist with a passion for leveraging statistical methodologies to drive societal advancement. Born in Ghana, Felix earned his undergraduate degree in Statistics from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology before pursuing a Master of Philosophy in Statistics at the University of Ghana. Currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Applied Statistics and Research Methods at the University of Northern Colorado, his research focuses on adaptive leveraged causal inference. With practical experience as a Data Scientist and Senior Research Consultant, Felix is equipped with expertise in data analysis, research methodology, and project management. With a deep-rooted passion for data science, Felix’s academic and professional interests lie in applying advanced machine learning techniques and artificial intelligence to address complex societal issues.

Brooke Kaye, Fellow

Click for bio Brooke grew up in North Dakota and received a bachelor’s degree in natural resources and applied ecology from Cornell University. Brooke’s early career focus was on climate and biogeochemical cycling in arctic ecosystems and the Olympic Peninsula. Brooke later served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Panama with a focus on environmental education and sustainable agriculture. For the past decade, Brooke has been deeply involved in local agriculture and food advocacy, working as an organic farmer, nutrition educator, and local food advocate. While running her own organic vegetable farm, Brooke partnered with the Oregon Food Bank to get more produce into the emergency food system. Brooke is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Data Analytics through Oregon State University.

Jess Robinson, Fellow

Click for bio Jess Robinson is a PhD student in Sociology at Columbia University and an incoming JD student and Furman Academic Scholar at New York University. As a mixed-methods researcher, Jess studies criminal-legal institutions such as policing and prisons, the politics of science and technology, and social networks. Before graduate school, Jess worked as a Senior Data Analyst at CORNERS: The Center for Neighborhood Engaged Research & Science, where she partnered with community violence intervention practitioners to collaboratively develop new tools, dashboards, and visualizations using geospatial and social network analysis to support their work.

Rebecca Schachtman, Fellow

Click for bio Rebecca is a PhD candidate in Social Psychology at the University of Washington. Her work employs experimental methods to examine biases in responses to and perceptions of women’s sexual harassment. Prior to graduate school, she received her B.A. in Psychology from Lawrence University and then worked as a Research Assistant. In her role at the Centre for Evidence and Implementation, she primarily supported evidence synthesis projects on interventions aimed to improve outcomes social and educational outcomes for vulnerable groups of children (e.g., in out-of-home care, pre-school-aged, etc.). At the Centre for Workplace Leadership, she conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses based on survey data, translating these findings into training materials and strategic plans for partner organizations interested in understanding and improving their workplace cultures.

Accessing the Data

The survey data used for this project require proof of Human Subjects training and two signed Data Agreement forms. To inquire about this verification process and data access, contact Zack Almquist (zalmquist@uw.edu).


Thank you to the many stakeholders who generously gave their time to help us better understand and contextualize these survey data. Thanks also to the UW eScience Institute’s DSSG Program for supporting this work.